Bay-Side Apartment, Gordon's Bay

Booking Request

Greetings and thank you for considering Bay-Side Apartment as your next holiday venue. We look forward to hosting you at our exquisite holiday apartment.

We need to send you a quotation so this information is required!
If you selected "other" in Country Code please enter your country of residence here!
We need to communicate with you so this information is required!

Booking Details

Select the date you will be arriving at C-Side Apartment!
Select the date you will be leaving C-Side Apartment!
Pricing is for a minimum of 2 adults!
From the ages of 0 to 6 years. Stay free!
From the ages of 7 to 10 years. Reduced rate!

Maximum occupancy is 4 people including children!
Occupants over the age of 10 years are classified as adults!

Check at least one!

Payment Options

Please note! We do not accept cheques and bookings will only be confirmed once your payment is cleared in our bank account. A deposit of 50% is payable to secure the booking. If the booking is made within 30 days before your arrival then the full amount will be payable to secure your booking!

One last thing to do...
to send your booking enquiry to us.
We will get back to you!

After you press "Submit" do NOT leave this page until you get a response that your request has been successfully sent!